Blind Cleaning Revisited

A little bit of regular cleaning prevents the build-up of dirt on blinds just as it does anywhere else in the house. It’s not a difficult job and it will definitely enhance the look of your home. Remember, your blinds are an investment so they are worth protecting.

Here’s a few things you’ll need – most of which you’ll doubtless have already among your cleaning equipment:

  • A vacuum cleaner with brush attachment
  • A lamb’s wool duster (NOT a plastic duster)
  • A rubber dry sponge (NOT a cellulose wet sponge)
  • All-purpose cleaner in a spray bottle
  • Clean, soft cloths

Bear in mind that it is easiest and most effective to clean blinds while they are still hanging – whether they are vinyl, aluminium, fabric or wood – so don’t be tempted to take them down.

First of all use a brush attachment and vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and debris such as cobwebs; the brush is gentle on the blinds because it uses less suction. Start at the top and clean in a downward motion so as to avoid unhooking the slats.

Next, use the lamb’s wool duster as a follow up to vacuuming, again working from the top down. For fabric and vinyl blinds it is recommended you use a rubber dry sponge to remove any bits that the vacuuming has left behind.

To spot clean any remaining soiled areas spray the all-purpose cleaner onto a clean, dry cloth and rub this gently on the spot. Never spray the cleaner directly onto the slat. Then rinse by rubbing a cloth with clean water over the area.

As a form of dry cleaning, this is the simplest method of cleaning blinds and it is also most effective, particularly if you do it regularly. If you find a blind is particularly soiled you may have to take it down and use warm soapy water with clean water (for rinsing) to achieve an effective job. If you can’t face this, don’t ignore it but set that blind aside and take it to a professional cleaner.

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